Illustrated Diary of Colombia

Play with ideas for an illustrated diary - collaging words, ink mark, mini drawings I made - snapshots/frames of my everyday life in Colombia - looking at another way to show a story/idea about travel in a more interesting way like a zig zag rather than straight linear version - looking also at printing a series of images as zines - printed textiles - literally wear my drawings, it would be wonderful to collaborate with fashion designers on something like this :)

L’Oasi Restaurant Menus illustrations

Bringing it all together with colour! What a treat to see in ‘real life’ my illustrations used on L’Oasi Restaurant Menus 

Travels through South Morocco

What a wonderful platform to showcase so many different ideas and responses to Illustration! The AOI are a wonderful organisation to be part of for an array of reasons for sure - These are my two entries for the WIA23 of my recent travels to Morocco - I wanted to show the heat, atmosphere, colours and beauty of the Moroccan people and their natural warmth. So many stories…