Illustration Workshop

Loved working with these amazing little artists drawing buildings of Dublin city. Lots of energy and beautiful line drawings of the cityscape. We started with talking about what makes Dublin stand out from other cities and them focused on the architecture. Looking at different images we started drawing and collaging different elements to make a piece based on the theme of Love my City and what that can look like. This was a 2 hour workshop that we could make the next stage into an animated GIF and all illustrated by these guys :))



Drawing is the process of taking a line for a walk… Such a great description, who said that again? In this piece I used lots different line weights,textures and colours to make something that I wanted to look at-the interest has to start with how I am engaged in the piece before I can make it interesting for my client/audience. Its like energy, it has to be something I can work with at the beginning and if I find myself getting bored I scarp it and think of another idea, start again…
